Review your brief
Someone helped you to create brief to your project, next time you can also create one yourself on Minty. Just pick your favourite artist and send him/her a brief.
Once you click on your invitation link, it leads you to your brief, where you can check, edit and assign it to your artist.
Work directly with artist on your project
You can always find all your briefs in navigation panel under "Your briefs" section.
After artist accepts your brief, you can collaborate with her/him on one place. All the drafts can be found on one place. Cool huh? You can brief artist to provide you with any shape or format of drawing.
Invite colleague to join your project
Minty allows you to give access and consult project with your team mates. They will instantly see where you are coming from and where heading without long explanations.
You can invite team to join your collaboration by sending them url of your chat with artist. Just drop this url link to email or any chat you are using for internal communication.