Remote work and the rise of social distancing has caused that we, humans, naturally emotional creatures are seeing still less and less emotions. This however, does not mean, that we are seeking emotions less, or that we don’t miss them. On the contrary, the demand for emotive expressions has risen. Since illustrations are great vehicle for transferring emotions for long distances, we have put together few tips, how to do it best.

1. Smile

Yes, the “smile” emoji knows everyone. And yes, if you want to communicate happiness, little smile can always help. However, illustration and animation can be great tool to push the boundaries of traditional emoji towards something really cheering, or deeper. Focus should not be on “displaying” the smile in visual, but rather on showing the scenes that somehow spread happiness or positive attitude – and in the end, will make smile on readers faces.

2. Zen. At home or in garden.

Many people forget, that usually narratives of home and garden are often metaphors for calmness and peace. The advantage illustration has, is that you can morph simple themes into something more complex, such as illustrations of vegetables practicing yoga.

3. Display stronger emotions with degree of light

Here is the least spoken quality of illustrations. The power to “soften” the blow, while still delivering whole message, is key quality of illustration.
Therefore, when trying to communicate tough problems, try to use design tools, such as clear lines, harmonising palettes and lots of space to emulate deepness. You will be surprised how light and actually cute your anxiety illustrations can be.

Our lovely illustrations for this blog are by Kind Spirits & Margret Aurin. Cover illustration is by Judit.