As creative industry has grown to 2 trillion economy (according to Unesco), the importance and focus somehow moved to the second word “industry”. While it is good to be a part of such a big market, which can be proudly now called industry, it is important to not forget the roots. To not forget to be creative. There are many techniques out there, to unleash your own creativity, the stepping stone of any creative process is simple: inspiration.

We have put together 3 illustration styles which will for sure wake up your inner child & inspire creative confidence again.

1. Return to the Jungle

Vivid, full of energy, flair and funny play-fullness. Andy Kenneth Edwards has a style, that matches this description exactly. Filled with lots of tangible colours, from jungle greens, through Mediterranean blues, to NYC chic black and oranges, this style is exactly what you need for your content in order to get that creative spark burning again.

2. Open, Soft & Quirky 

The best people to get creative inspiration from, are children. Therefore, playfulness and quirkiness are something visuals should definitely add to the content. Funny and soft characters by respected street artist and illustrator Yessi Nur are exactly the types of illustration you want to have, in order to unleash the young, energetic creativity.


3. Where is Waldo

Lego. Playmobil. Where is Waldo. Life is meant to be enjoyed in full, and let’s face it. There were sets and toys such as Lego, that were here with us from the start to make sure we will have fun. Return back to creativity of early years with illustrations by Alexandra Turban.